Trait foreign_types_shared::ForeignType[][src]

pub trait ForeignType: Sized {
    type CType;
    type Ref: ForeignTypeRef<CType = Self::CType>;
    unsafe fn from_ptr(ptr: *mut Self::CType) -> Self;
fn as_ptr(&self) -> *mut Self::CType; }

A type implemented by wrappers over foreign types.

Associated Types

type CType[src][]

The raw C type.

type Ref: ForeignTypeRef<CType = Self::CType>[src][]

The type representing a reference to this type.

Required methods

unsafe fn from_ptr(ptr: *mut Self::CType) -> Self[src][]

Constructs an instance of this type from its raw type.

fn as_ptr(&self) -> *mut Self::CType[src][]

Returns a raw pointer to the wrapped value.


impl ForeignType for Asn1GeneralizedTime

impl ForeignType for Asn1Time

impl ForeignType for Asn1String

impl ForeignType for Asn1Integer

impl ForeignType for Asn1BitString

impl ForeignType for Asn1Object

impl ForeignType for BigNumContext

impl ForeignType for BigNum

impl ForeignType for CmsContentInfo

impl ForeignType for Conf

impl<T> ForeignType for Dh<T>

impl<T> ForeignType for Dsa<T>

impl ForeignType for EcGroup

impl ForeignType for EcPoint

impl<T> ForeignType for EcKey<T>

impl ForeignType for EcdsaSig

impl ForeignType for OcspBasicResponse

impl ForeignType for OcspCertId

impl ForeignType for OcspResponse

impl ForeignType for OcspRequest

impl ForeignType for OcspOneReq

impl ForeignType for Pkcs12

impl ForeignType for Pkcs7

impl<T> ForeignType for PKey<T>

impl<T> ForeignType for Rsa<T>

impl ForeignType for SrtpProtectionProfile

impl ForeignType for SslContext

impl ForeignType for SslCipher

impl ForeignType for SslSession

impl ForeignType for Ssl

impl<T: Stackable> ForeignType for Stack<T>

impl ForeignType for OpensslString

impl ForeignType for X509VerifyParam

impl ForeignType for X509StoreBuilder

impl<T> ForeignType for X509Lookup<T>

impl<T> ForeignType for X509LookupMethod<T>

impl ForeignType for X509Store

impl ForeignType for X509StoreContext

impl ForeignType for X509

impl ForeignType for X509Extension

impl ForeignType for X509Name

impl ForeignType for X509NameEntry

impl ForeignType for X509Req

impl ForeignType for GeneralName

impl ForeignType for AccessDescription

impl ForeignType for X509Algorithm

impl ForeignType for X509Object